Having credit on your account will mean you can use it towards any future purchases on Companies MadeSimple. It does not have to be used all at once and will be situation in the "My Credit" section on your account. If the credit on your account does not cover the cost of your purchase then you will need to top the credit up to the amount that will cover the cost.
Why would I Use Credit?
If you would prefer not to enter your card details each time you wish to buy a service, you can add an amount of credit (of your choosing) to your account via a one-off payment.
Refunds via Credit
Made a mistake with your purchase? Then rather than waiting for bank processing times to receive your refund back to your account (2-3 days from when the refund is processed on average), you can simply ask us to refund you as credit on your account and we can process this within 24 hours for it to be used for any of our services in the future.
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