The free .com or domain and email address offer are included in the Startup Toolkit when you purchase a company formation package.
What's included with the offer?
- Free domain (.com or
- Free email - Personalised email address (Options to expand size for additional cost)
- Free website - Get started online today with a 1-page website
- Free images - Make your website engaging
How to redeem your domain
Simply open the email we sent you titled Startup Toolkit Your free or .com website voucher from Websites MadeSimple, click the claim link and follow the page instructions to claim your .com or domain.The voucher code is automatically applied to your basket so there's no need to enter a code or any payment details. You are required to sign up as a new customer.
Information on how to set up the email address, website and access to free images will be sent in a follow-up email.
Please note, the offer expires approximately between 6-8 weeks.
I have not received my voucher code
We will send your unique URL which automatically applies the discount to your basket, so there's no need to enter an actual code.
Your unique URL is sent in an email titled Startup Toolkit Your free or .com website voucher from Websites MadeSimple. Please check your inbox and the junk folder just in case it has ended up there.
Why is the basket total showing a charge?
The .com/ domain and email are free, so there shouldn't be a charge. Go back a step to ensure the Email check box is unticked and that you've selected a .com domain for 1 year, and no other products are added to the basket as these are charged extra.
Why am I being asked to enter my card details?
You should not be asked to enter any payment information as the .com/ domain voucher is free for 1 year. If you've selected a domain other than a .com or if you've added any other products and services, you'll be charged accordingly.
What are the domain and email address costs after the free service ends?
The .com/ domain and email address offer is free for 1 year. After the 1st year, the renewal costs start from £6.99 per year. Nearer the renewal date, Websites MadeSimple will email you regarding full costings of the renewal.
For any issues regarding the set up of the domain and email address, please contact Websites MadeSimple on 0345 653 9652.
Terms and conditions
The free domain voucher for Company Formation MadeSimple customers is only applicable to .com or domains (1 year registrations). After that time, users will have the choice to renew the domain for the usual rrp for that product. Offer is open to new Websites MadeSimple customers with no pre-existing account. Please note that the voucher code does expire after a period of approx 6-8 weeks, therefore, please ensure that you redeem your voucher within this time period. Reminders will be sent to you to remind you to redeem the voucher prior to expiry. Once the voucher has expired, Company Formation MadeSimple will not be able to issue you with another Websites MadeSimple free domain voucher. We cannot guarantee that your exact Ltd company name will be available as a domain name.
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