If you are looking to obtain a company credit report for a UK Limited company, this can be purchased via your Companies MadeSimple account.
Please Note: Uk Director and International Reports are currently unavailable via this platform but are coming soon!
To purchase a company credit report you will need to:
- Log into your Companies MadeSimple account.
- On your dashboard you can click on the box labelled "Company Credit Reports". Alternatively you can click on this link which will take you to the search page to look for an available report.
Sometimes you will get a banner at the top of your dashboard which will give you the option to "Search Reports" which will also take you to the company credit report search webpage. - You can view a sample report on the search page if you want to see what you could potentially be seeing for a UK Limited company of your choice.
Simple Tip: You can also download the sample report by clicking here.
- Enter in the company name you are looking to purchase a report for, when you click Search you should see a list of companies that contain your search term.
- Click the Add to basket for £.... button and make payment.
Alternatively, if you have company report credits on your account you can Buy with 1 Credit.
Done! Your report has been purchased and is now downloadable.
Please see "Where can I find my Company Credit Reports?" to find out how to view your purchased reports.
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